Software Development for a Cloud Computing: IaaS, PaaS, SaaS, DaaS, AWS, Azure, Cloud Foundry, Heroku
Cloud Foundry and Spring: a Marriage Made in Heaven

Cloud Foundry and Spring: a Marriage Made in Heaven

This talk will describe the Cloud Foundry Open PaaS (Platform as a Service), with its open source, multi-framework, multi-service, multi-cloud model, and will explain in depth how to use Cloud Foundry services effectively from Java/Spring applications. Cloud Foundry allows developers to provision apps in Java/Spring, Ruby/Rails, Ruby/Sinatra, Javascript/Node, and leverage services like MySQL, MongoDB, Reddis, Postgres and RabbitMQ.

It can be used as a public PaaS on and other service providers (ActiveState, AppFog), to create your own private cloud, or on your laptop using the Micro Cloud Foundry VM. The talk will include demos of the Spring app development lifecycle with Cloud Foundry: local development with STS, local deployment to Micro Cloud Foundry for testing, deployment to

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