Software Development for a Cloud Computing: IaaS, PaaS, SaaS, DaaS, AWS, Azure, Cloud Foundry, Heroku
Tag: <span>nosql</span>

Optimizing the Public Cloud for Cost and Scalability with Cassandra at MetricsHub

MetricsHub is a monitoring and scalability service for public clouds, allowing companies to continuously gather data from their systems and auto-scale their deployments to optimize service costs. Taking advantage of Cassandra rapid ingestion rates, reliable replication model, and easiness of deployment, Metrics Hub can handle billions of datapoints per day. …

Azure without SQL

The Microsoft Azure platform offers SQL Azure to make migration easier, but it also offers a set of highly scalable storage services that take a different approach to data storage: Tables, Blobs and Queues. They pose a new set of challenges to application designers since they are offer no transactional …

JPA Applications in the Cloud Era

Clouds are an interesting deployment platform, but managing state in dynamically scalable environments is not an easy task. There are many different NoSQL solutions with strong differences in performance, capabilities, reliability, isolation and ease of use. This video presents briefly the different NoSQL solutions and shows where Hibernate OGM fits …