Software Development for a Cloud Computing: IaaS, PaaS, SaaS, DaaS, AWS, Azure, Cloud Foundry, Heroku
CloudStack Versus OpenStack Versus Eucalyptus

CloudStack Versus OpenStack Versus Eucalyptus

This video takes an in-depth look at the new open source private cloud IaaS distros from CloudStack, OpenStack, and Eucalyptus. It considers a high-level enterprise perspective and draws architectural comparisons but also blasts ahead and shows you how to configure and deploy your own private clouds for free with these technologies. Although it’s not open source, Amazon VPC (Virtual Private Cloud) gets a quick look.

The presentation covers
* CloudStack, a 100 percent Java open source IaaS, backed by Citrix
* OpenStack, the best-known open source IaaS, backed by Rackspace
* Eucalyptus, the academic IaaS
* Amazon VPC, a closed-source option (but AWS is the “invisible hand” that guides the others)

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