Software Development for a Cloud Computing: IaaS, PaaS, SaaS, DaaS, AWS, Azure, Cloud Foundry, Heroku
Cloud Endpoints in Google App Engine

Cloud Endpoints in Google App Engine

Learn how go from zero lines of code to a simple Google Cloud Endpoints API targeting the Python runtime of the Google App Engine. The videos discuss writing your own ProtoRPC message classes, creating API methods and wrap up by adding OAuth 2.0 authentication.

The second part showcases the Cloud Endpoints Proto Datastore library, which allows ProtoRPC message classes to be directly tied to the models used to persist objects. In addition, rather than interacting with ProtoRPC messages in our API methods, the demo shows how to directly interact with the entities that live in the datastore.

[youtube uy0tP6_kWJ4]

[youtube 9wNRUd9E1jM]

The sample code is available from