Software Development for a Cloud Computing: IaaS, PaaS, SaaS, DaaS, AWS, Azure, Cloud Foundry, Heroku
Cloud Foundry Supports of Node.js Node Package Manager

Cloud Foundry Supports of Node.js Node Package Manager

Learn how Cloud Foundry supports downloading and installing Node.js modules from the Node Package Manager (NPM) directly on the cloud without developers having to upload them. The normal process of creating a Node.js application requires a local installation of the node modules that essentially makes the application self-contained.

You can deploy the application locally or push its contents, including the node modules, to This is fine as long as the application doesn’t need a node module with native dependencies. This type of module needs be compiled specifically for the target platform. The NPM support described in this video removes the need to package the module dependencies with the application and allows using modules with native dependencies.

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