Software Development for a Cloud Computing: IaaS, PaaS, SaaS, DaaS, AWS, Azure, Cloud Foundry, Heroku
Running Standalone Apps on Cloud Foundry

Running Standalone Apps on Cloud Foundry

Some applications simply cannot be contained. Perhaps you want to write a worker that periodically polls for updates or performs a maintenance task. Perhaps you would like to use a new lightweight web framework. You don’t necessarily want to build a WAR for these types of apps.

With Cloud Foundry, you don’t have to! In this session, we will build and deploy several types of standalone applications, from distributed workers built with Spring Integration and Akka, to container-less web applications built with vert.x and spray, to bring-your-own-container apps that embed Jetty. If you’re a Java or Scala developer who likes to “think outside the container”, this talk is for you!