Software Development for a Cloud Computing: IaaS, PaaS, SaaS, DaaS, AWS, Azure, Cloud Foundry, Heroku
Category: <span>Videos</span>

Searching the Perfect Cloud Software Developer Experience

With a productive service-based development workflow, individual software development teams can build and ship applications independently of each other. But with a rapidly evolving cloud native landscape, creating an effective workflow for software developer using a platform based on something like Kubernetes can be challenging.

Continuous Deployment to Kubernetes with the Google Container Tools

Kubernetes has become the orchestrator of choice to deploy applications. But what about Java software developer’s day to day job of developing those applications? Developing with containers is not always easy nor enjoyable. Google has launched a set of open source projects that focus on Developer Experience in a world …

Azure Functions 2.0: Enterprise-Grade Serverless

Serverless architectures – where managed servers are provisioned and scaled on-demand, freeing up time and money to focus on code – are seeing increasing mainstream adoption, but enterprise-grade applications have additional challenges such as networking, security, durability, and workflow complexity. Learn about the solutions to these challenges that Azure Functions, …

Scaling microservices with Message queues, .NET and Kubernetes

When you design and build .NET applications at scale, you deal with two significant challenges: scalability & robustness. You should design your service so that even if it is subject to intermittent heavy loads, it continues to operate reliably. But how do you build such applications? And how do you …

Cloud-Native Data Architecture

Cloud Native Application Architecture and Design best practices are well established. We would like to focus this session on Cloud Native Data, introduce the concept, and get into some detail around relevant Architectural and Design concepts. Traditional data architecture is geared towards data consolidation, multi-tenant environment, and supports a mixed …